How much money do you spend on your child's clothes? Are you the parent that shops at high end departments store? After your child has outgrown those clothes you purchased, what do you do with them?
Our landfills our covered with billions of textiles we throw away and most importantly thousands of dollars a year is being spent on items our children will only where a couple of times, if that! Our children grow so fast. I have to say that right after I purchase a new wardrobe for my oldest child, the next two months he can't fit them anymore. Yes, I must admit I am a recovering shopaholic, before my second born, I did buy a lot of unnecessary things for the
only child and we are all guilty of that. However, I found someone to past those clothes down to and thankfully when I had the next baby boy I got those clothes back with more.
Becoming a mother...stay-at-home mother with only one income, made me look at things from another light such as how we spend our money, what we are spending our money on and planning for the future, which is our children. At the end of the day our children will not remember all the materialistic things we give them but they will remember the quality time we as parents spend with them and that is priceless!
So, before you purchase something new for your child whether it is clothing or toys. Ask yourself, these three questions. Do they really need it? Can I get this cheaper somewhere else? Can I get it for free? I guarantee your answer will be yes!
Save your time, your money and our environment today!